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Writer's pictureCarter Wyatt

Talking About the Reasons for Infidelity May Help to Save a Marriage in Jeopardy

When couples get married, they have the initial expectation that any issues affecting their relationship going forward can freely be discussed and will be discussed in such a manner. However over time, things may change and problems in the relationship may not be communicated as they should. Often times, these problems become so severe that they cause one or both parties to cheat. In reality, cheating is an indication that there is a problem in the relationship and the best way to tackle that would be to identify those problems at the get-go.

In many cases, people end up having extramarital affairs as a way of expressing that there are problems in a relationship. For one reason or another, an individual may not be able to express exactly what the problem is and end up developing an emotional and eventually physical connection with somebody outside of the marriage. This ends up leading to an extramarital affair which is a clear indication that things are not as they should be in the marriage.

What both parties in a marriage should do is acknowledge cheating as a statement by the guilty party of dissatisfaction or unhappiness with the union. That is of course if it is within your interest to repair the marriage. In most cases, couples are interested in repairing the marriage and in such cases it would be of utmost importance to acknowledge the issues at hand.

Acknowledging that there are issues is obviously the first step. The next step would be to communicate what those issues are. In some cases it may not be easy because it could involve speaking about the shortcomings of your spouse. However it is absolutely essential in repairing the marriage. What is important is that once you express them your spouse will understand what your problems were even if they do not understand why those problems drove you to cheat.

Now there may be cases where other underlying issues can contribute to the specific problems that caused someone to cheat. This is why it is important for both partners to explore and discuss the reasons that contributed to infidelity. Often times couples become complacent after marriage. With that complacency can come the lack of attention needed in certain aspects of the relationship. This is not to say that blame for cheating should be placed on the faithful partner. All it simply means is that people always need to be conscious of the need for communication if they want a relationship to work.

Once both parties have explored all of the issues that potentially led one partner to cheat in the first place, it is much easier for them to begin the healing process. Now that both parties have expressed what pushed one of them to that point, there is a new level of consciousness and both parties can focus on working on those issues so the problem does not arise again.

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